Thursday, May 28, 2009

String Figures

The nurses were concerned at how quiet my mom was during chemo. Aunt Kathy and mom were intently figuring out how to make Jacob’s Ladder. I think it really taxed them mentally to figure it out. ☺

Maybe we should keep trying!!!!!

The Cat's Whiskers, Eiffel Tower, Cup and Saucer, and Witch’s Broom were much easier. Do these bring back memories? This is something they probably did when they were little girls in Loving, New Mexico.

Paula (the nurse) thought Pat was having too much fun, so she wrapped mom in packing bubbles to control her.

Karen was so busy that she couldn't play with the strings so she used them as a necklace.

Mom is lucky to have wonderful sisters that love her so very much. Aunt Kathy got suckered into helping mom to cook for 30 people (with the help of Carol Molendyk) and helped her get caught up at her work. We love Aunt Kathy!

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